Content Vrijstaat
At the beginning of 2023, I got in touch with de Vrijstaat, an art workshop for children and young adults between the ages of 6 and 26.
During two separate events, I shot some content for them to use for their social media and website.
Website for Lynn Salentijn
For my dear friend and artist Lynn Salentijn, I created a website that functions as her portfolio.
During my graduation I got in contact with Ruben Heerings, owner and founder of Hoeklijst. For this strange but timeless frame I designed a print that would suit the bend perfectly. The frame with print is for sale on:
Click here for the frame with print!
Commissioned work Rijnstaat
Produced a few works in commission for Rijnstate (Hospital, Arnhem).
These sculptures give a futuristic look to a very futuristic time; the 2020 pandemic had a huge impact on the vitality of our local hospitals. In these boxes, Covid-19 is captured and stored to be displayed as something caught during an expedition. Like in de 18th century, strange objects and finds were kept in a Rariteitenkabinet that would be the center piece as entertainment for guests.